Red Superfood}

Red Superfood


Kevin AgrawalFresh, luscious reds and greens! These are the most colorful foods to include in your diet, not just because they add a taste of aesthetics to your plate but, more importantly, they contain essential nutrients that support good health.Red Foods

Deep red fruits and vegetables contain phytochemicals (substances found only in plants), such as lycopene and anthocyanins. They are rich in antioxidants which support the immune system which is the bodys first line of defense against disease.


is a bright red carotenoid pigment and phytochemical found predominantly in tomatoes. Lycopene in tomato paste is four times more bioavailable than in fresh tomatoes. Watermelons and pink grapefruits also contain lycopene.

Recent studies have uncovered compelling evidence causing researchers to theorize that increased blood levels of lycopene may decrease the risk of developing certain types of cancer, particularly prostate cancer. Although these studies are inconclusive, the findings are sufficiently exciting to justify further exploration. In addition, because oxidation plays such a key role in the formation of plaque, studies have also linked antioxidant-rich lycopene with support healthy heart functions.

Lycopene is one of the most potent antioxidants; able to neutralize free radicals that are thought to be responsible for disrupting healthy cellular activity.


are a group of phytochemicals, found in red fruits and vegetables, such as strawberries, raspberries, and beets.

Raspberries (especially black) and cranberries contain the richest contents of anthocyanins. In the laboratory, anthocyanins have shown a positive influence on a variety of health issues.

According to the American Chemical Society’s Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (ACS is the world’s largest scientific society) scientists identified that anthocyanins in cherries could help support healthy blood sugar levels.

Make sure you color your diet red with a combination of these red foods: red apples, cherries, cranberries, red grapes, pink/red grapefruit, pomegranates, raspberries, strawberries, watermelon, beets, red peppers, radishes, red potatoes, rhubarb, tomatoes.

Green Foods

Greens foods contain phytochemicals as well. Green foods, especially dark leafy vegetables, are a source of minerals (including iron, calcium, potassium, and magnesium) and vitamins, including vitamins K, C, E, and many of the B vitamins. They also provide a variety of phytonutrients including beta-carotene, lutein, which combined with zeaxanthin (found in corn, red peppers, oranges, grapes and egg yolks), protect our cells from damage and our eyes from age-related problems. Dark green leaves even contain small amounts of Omega-3 fats.

Red Superfoods

Doctors advise getting our nutrients from natural food intake. Whenever this is not possible, make sure you get all the health benefits of red foods and their powerful antioxidant support for good health from a

red superfood

product. Red Superfoods are usually in powder form and are easy to make by simply adding water! Most red superfoods are versatile and can be used in a variety of smoothie recipes like the one below:

Lauras Pink Lemonade

1 tbsp grated lemon zest

3/4 cup nonfat lemon yogurt

1/2 cup crushed ice

1 tbs. lemon juice

1 tbsp Ruby Reds

For more Red superfood recipes, visit


How to Choose a Red Superfood

Look for a

red superfood

made from real, whole foods. Natural ingredients are better absorbed in the body. Choose a product with many fruits and vegetables combined synergistically to give you the optimum ratio of nutrients you need, with the least amount of calories. Look for added values in products like those which contain probiotics to help in digestion and products which contain dietary fiber.

New VitalityRed Superfood

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Understanding The Risks Of High Cholesterol}

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Understanding the Risks of High Cholesterol


Derek HUnderstanding The Risks of High CholesterolCholesterol is one of the lipids normally found in the bloodstream. It plays essential role in the formation of hormones, cells membranes and body tissues. The liver processes approximately 1000 mg of cholesterol a day to help the body carry out important processes. Problems arise when levels of cholesterol is higher than normal. High cholesterol

is the major risk for cardiovascular diseases and it contributes greatly to mortality of both men and women around the world. Lowering high cholesterol levels is therefore essential in reducing its associated health risks.

Diet, lifestyle and genetic factors all contribute to high cholesterol levels. Genetic risks for high cholesterol exists however factors the influence increase of cholesterol is within our control. Diet high in saturated fats and low fiber has been identified as one of the significant causes of high cholesterol, specifically, low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. People who are fond of eating fast food and processed foods are likely to have high cholesterol because of the high saturated fat content in these foods. Sedentary lifestyle is another contributing factor of high cholesterol, which if coupled with unhealthy diet, results in obesity. Obese individuals are expected to have high cholesterol because cholesterol levels increases as body weight increases. Risks of High CholesterolThe body has two types of cholesterol which serve as fat transporters. HDL and LDL are produced by the complex formed between protein and lipids. LDL carries about two-thirds of blood cholesterol while HDL carries one third of the total blood cholesterol. The two types of cholesterol have opposing effects on the cardiovascular system, that is, while HDL protects us against heart diseases, LDL promotes the development of heart diseases. High cholesterol levels increase the risk for heart diseases including atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, production of thrombosis and increased risk for stroke.LDL carries the harmful blood cholesterol to the cells. The LDL receptors in the cells bind the LDL circulating in the bloodstream, which allows the cholesterol to enter the cells and exert its beneficial effects. However, when the blood has high cholesterol levels, the cholesterol receptors in the cells’ surface are greatly reduced. This leaves a dangerously high level of LDL cholesterol in the circulation. Eventually, the cholesterol deposits itself in the walls of the arteries, builds up and hardens into plaque, resulting in a condition known as atherosclerosis. Individuals with atherosclerotic arteries have elevated risks other cardiovascular diseases. Lowering the Risks of High CholesterolThe key to lower the risks associated with high cholesterol levels is to understand its cause. While genetic factors are difficult to control, diet, lifestyle and other factors are treatable conditions. Dietary and lifestyle changes are two important conditions in treating high cholesterol and its associated risks. However, in most cases changes in the diet and lifestyle are not enough to lower the risk of developing heart diseases. Medications and other treatments are still required. High cholesterol levels can be safely reduced to healthy levels naturally. Taking daily supplements such as Vasacor essentially bring down the levels of LDL cholesterol and it promotes a healthy cardiovascular system. Vasacor has active ingredients which aid in the body’s natural way of lowering high cholesterol

. Vasacor mainly works by blocking ingestion of cholesterol by cells and promotes excretion of cholesterol by the liver thereby lowering the amount of cholesterol circulating in the blood. Everyone wants to be protected killer diseases. Fortunately, Vasacor was developed to help combat high cholesterol and prevent future increase in cholesterol levels.

High cholesterol

in the bloodstream leads to serious heart diseases. Fortunately, Vasacor was developed to address high cholesterol level and protects us from its associated risks.

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